Breaks Interstate Park Commission
The Breaks Interstate Park Commission was formed in 1954, when the legislatures of Virginia and Kentucky passed the Breaks Interstate Park Compact into law . Since that time, the members of the Commission have been working together to promote and develop the Breaks Interstate Park into a premier destination for rest, relaxation, and outdoor recreation. The Commission consists of 4 members from each state.
Kentucky Representatives:
Jacqueline Coleman- Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky
Russ Meyer- Commissioner of KY State Parks
Grondall Potter- Pike County Representative
Eric McPeek- Pike County Representative
Virginia Representatives:
Matthew Wells- Director/VA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation
Curtis Mullins Jr.- Buchanan County Representative
Leon Boyd- Buchanan County Representative
Rick Mullins- Dickenson County Representative
Commission Correspondence can be directed to the following addresses:
Mail: 627 Commission Drive, Breaks, VA 24607 (mark letter “to the attention of” if trying to reach a specific commissioner)
Email: info@breakspark.com
Minutes of Commission Recent Meetings Can Be Accessed Below. Minutes of additional meetings are available upon request. Please send all request or inquiries to info@breakspark.com